Frequently Asked Questions
1- How do you explain the Joule's effect in electrical circuits ?
For a continuous rate of flow, in an electrical circuit, electrons might collide with other particles of the conductor. Those collisions create negative accelerations of the electrons and their change in charge, and so sometimes an electron-positron annihilation which produces thermic energy (photons of high energy). Some other times after a collision, the electron is accelerated to get back its speed limit in the conductor: this acceleration causes its change in charge and a higher probability to be annihilated with an electron. But those collisions are rare, even for a direct current. There might be a frequency of alternating current for which the number of collisions for a time unit would be almost equal to zero, but this frequency implies many (positive or negative) accelerations of the electrons of the conduction band and so many changes of their charges that when they become positrons they are likely to be attracted in an electron-positron annihilation... In both direct or alternating currents those annihilations create energy which is transfered from the conducting material to its environment, directly or through excitation and then desexcitation of electrons...

2- I do not understand the spin-charge coupling mentioned in your founding paper. Can you clarify your ideas ?

The spin-charge coupling is based on the Eq. 27 of the founding paper (see
documents to download) and on its interpretation in terms of possible states. According to Eq. 27, when you are on the +1/2 spin position (state) on the figure 2, for a positive r and a positive A (spin asymmetry or anomalous momentum), you can get to the -1/2 spin for negative r state when A becomes negative. As the angular speeds of the particle are always finite (positive or negative) or nil, A can be positive or negative and so the particle state can be +1/2 spin for positive t or -1/2 spin for negative t: according to the Feynman's interpretation, the charge of the particle is positive for a positve t and negative for a negative t (or the opposite through a relativistic sight). So there is really a spin-charge coupling (which does not resist to the space symmetry). This coupling has been used in the BCS (Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer; 1972 Nobel Prize) theory of superconductivity. As A is considered as a constant during the interaction of the particle of matter and the boson, this coupling can be considered for the possible states of a particle which are predictable but this works of the Graviton Laboratory do not constitute a law of variation of the generalization of the anomalous momentum of the electron.

3- What do you mean when you write about applications of your theory in social and economic sciences ?
From the beginning, my sight on physics has psychological basis. In the Institutional psychology theory, it seems that there are three phases in the organization of human behaviour: the first phase is the authoritarian one (a set of ideas rules a world); the second is the calling into question (the institutional dogma is brought into question); the third is the one of the ideology construction (which joins the authoritarian one in a cycle). On one hand the authoritarian phase is characterized by its
resistance to any change coming from the subjects who are under the authority which is the expression of a current of thinking imposed by dogmas in a certain way. On the other hand, vice versa, a great deal of subjects may produce ideas that are refused by the authority. For a market, the authority comes from standards imposed to consumers and so to producing companies by the greatest of them. The democratic systems set out the rules of this game between the authority and its subjects who are leaded by their necessary illusions (see Noam Chomsky). Further explanations are in their way to be written and maybe published.
Those questions cannot be understood without the knowledge of the documents to download
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